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Summary of GBA standard sound driver (MusicPlayer2000)

Nintendo’s Game Boy Advance SDK comes with a sound driver library for playing music and sound effects in the game. This driver is officially called AGB MusicPlayer2000 or m4a and is often informally also called Sappy.

Inevitably, MP2k is used in a large number of games (especially in games released in Japan). Also, since it has been analyzed by many people for a long time, there is a great deal of analysis information and tools.

This article does not explain the details of MP2k. Instead, this article introduces you an overview of MP2k and various resources to learn more.


MusicPlayer2000 Specifications Overview

Almost everything is explained in the following document: - Documents - GBA “Sappy” sound engine information

To summarize the main explanation MP2k has the following features.

In fact, this standard sound driver is also implemented in the System ROM (BIOS). However, those system functions are almost never used in actual commercial games, because the MP2k driver has been released as a compatible driver with bugfixes and improvements. See GBATEK for GBA BIOS functions.

Versions and variations

As far as I know, MP2k has the following standard variations:

Description Example of games using the driver
Older version (very rarely used) Momotarou Matsuri, Boku wa Koukuu Kanseikan
Stereo version Castlevania: Circle of the Moon
Mono version Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance and Aria of Sorrow
Newer version? Mega Man Battle Network 5, Puyo Pop Fever, Mother 3

Note: Minor version differences are considered identical here.

Also, some games use compatible drivers that improve and extend MP2k.

Basic use of MusicPlayer2000 driver functions

The driver basically works with 4 functions.

First, the m4aSoundInit function must be called in the initialization routine to initialize the sound.

void m4aSoundInit(void);

The VBlank interrupt handler must call the m4aSoundVSync function immediately after the interrupt.

void m4aSoundVSync(void);

The m4aSoundMain function must be called by main routine in every frame (approximately every 1/60 of a second).

void m4aSoundMain(void);

Lastly, call the m4aSongNumStart function with a song number to start playing.

void m4aSongNumStart(u16 n);

The addresses of these functions can usually be detected with saptapper, an automated ripping tool for MP2k.

loveemu/saptapper: Automated GSF ripper

Internally, when a song starts playing through these functions, the sound driver stores information about the playback, into an instance of music player. Usually, a game has more than one music player instances on memory. One is used for music and the other ones are used for SFXs and such, typically. The instance of the music player to play a song is determined by its song header.

ROM / RAM data map

MusicPlayer2000 ROM/RAM Data Map

See m4a_internal.h and sappy.txt for more informations.

List of commands of MusicPlayer2000 sequence

The table below shows a list of MP2k sequence commands.

In principle, most of 1-byte arguments are values in the range 0 to 127, and values greater than 0x80 are not used.

Command Symbol Parameters Repeatable Description
0x00 ~ 0x7F n/a n/a Yes Repeat previous repeatable command using the command byte as first argument
0x80 ~ 0xB0 W00 ~ W96 void No Delta-time (Wait)
0xB1 FINE void No Track end
0xB2 GOTO u32 dest No Jump to specified address (absolute hardware address like 0x8XXXXXX)
0xB3 PATT u32 dest No Pattern start (subroutine jump, cannot be nested)
0xB4 PEND void No Pattern end
0xB5 REPT u8 count, u32 dest No Repeat pattern (the valid range for the repeat count is 0-255)
0xB9 MEMACC u8 mem_set, u8 adr, u8 dat [, u32 dest] No Memory access (used for dynamic conditional jumps; details below)
0xBA PRIO u8 No Priority of track (0-255, the higher the value, the higher priority)
0xBB TEMPO u8 No Tempo, specify half the value of BPM (11-255, 1 frame = 1 tick in case of tempo 75)
0xBC KEYSH s8 No Transpose (-128-127, per-track transpose)
0xBD VOICE u8 Yes Instrument
0xBE VOL u8 Yes Volume
0xBF PAN u8 Yes Pan (0: left, 64: center, 127: right)
0xC0 BEND u8 Yes Pitch bend (0-127, center is 64)
0xC1 BENDR u8 Yes Pitch bend range (specified in semitones, default is 2)
0xC2 LFOS u8 No LFO speed (higher values are faster, actual speed fluctuates with tempo)
0xC3 LFODL u8 No LFO delay (specified in ticks)
0xC4 MOD u8 Yes LFO depth
0xC5 MODT u8 No LFO type (0: pitch (default), 1: volume, 2: pan)
0xC8 TUNE u8 Yes Micro-tuning (0: one semitone lower, 64: normal: 127: one semitone higher)
0xCD 0x08 XCMD xIECV u8 Yes Pseudo-echo volume (0-127)
0xCD 0x09 XCMD xIECL u8 Yes Pseudo-echo length (0-127, specified in frame counts (i.e. xx/60 seconds))
0xCE EOT [u8 key] Yes Tie end / Note off
0xCF TIE [u8 key [, u8 velo]] Yes Tie / Note on (note length is undeterminated until the 0xCE command appears)
0xD0 ~ 0xFF N01 ~ N96 [u8 key [, u8 velo [, u8 gtp]]] Yes Note (the third argument is for fine adjustment of gate time, specified in ticks)


The Wxx command (0x80 to 0xB0) and the Nxx command (0xD0 to 0xFF) represent lengths from 1 to 96. The lookup table below shows the list of lengths.

const u8 noteLengthTable[48] = {
   1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
  17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 28, 30, 32, 36, 40, 42, 44, 48,
  52, 54, 56, 60, 64, 66, 68, 72, 76, 78, 80, 84, 88, 90, 92, 96

Memory access (MEMACC)

MEMACC (0xB9) is a command to perform a conditional jump dynamically according to the state of the game. The command uses a shared memory area (up to 256 bytes of RAM area m4a_memacc_area). This command is rarely used.

This command basically takes three arguments, except that the conditional branch instruction specifies the branch destination address as the fourth argument.

@ for arithmetic operations
MEMACC, mem_set, adr, dat

@ for branching instructions
MEMACC, mem_set, adr, dat, dest

Specify the type of operation with mem_set, and specify the arguments of the operation with adr and dat (0-255).

Specify one of the following values for mem_set:

Value Symbol Description Pseudo syntax
0 mem_set Assign (Immediate) $adr = #dat
1 mem_add Add (Immediate) $adr += #dat
2 mem_sub Subtract (Immediate) $adr -= #dat
3 mem_mem_set Assign (Indirect) $adr = $dat
4 mem_mem_add Add (Indirect) $adr += $dat
5 mem_mem_sub Subtract (Indirect) $adr -= $dat
6 mem_beq Branch if equal (Immediate) if ($adr == #dat) goto dest
7 mem_bne Brnach if not equal (Immediate) if ($adr != #dat) goto dest
8 mem_bhi Branch if higher (Immediate) if ($adr > #dat) goto dest
9 mem_bhs Branch if higher or the same (Immediate) if ($adr >= #dat) goto dest
10 mem_bls Branch if lower of the same (Immediate) if ($adr <= #dat) goto dest
11 mem_blo Branch if lower (Immediate) if ($adr < #dat) goto dest
12 mem_mem_beq Branch if equal (Indirect) if ($adr == $dat) goto dest
13 mem_mem_bne Brnach if not equal (Indirect) if ($adr != $dat) goto dest
14 mem_mem_bhi Branch if higher (Indirect) if ($adr > $dat) goto dest
15 mem_mem_bhs Branch if higher or the same (Indirect) if ($adr >= $dat) goto dest
16 mem_mem_bls Branch if lower of the same (Indirect) if ($adr <= $dat) goto dest
17 mem_mem_blo Branch if lower (Indirect) if ($adr < $dat) goto dest

List of known functions

void m4aSoundVSync(void);
void m4aSoundInit(void);
void m4aSoundMode(u32 mode);
void m4aSoundMain(void);
void m4aSongNumStart(u16 n);
void m4aMPlayStart(MusicPlayerArea *ma, SongHeader *so);
void m4aSongNumStartOrChange(u16 n);
void m4aSongNumStartOrContinue(u16 n);
void m4aSongNumStop(u16 n);
void m4aMPlayStop(MusicPlayerArea *ma);
void m4aSongNumContinue(u16 n);
void m4aMPlayAllStop(void);
void m4aMPlayContinue(MusicPlayerArea *ma);
void m4aMPlayAllContinue(void);
void m4aMPlayFadeOut(MusicPlayerArea *ma, u16 sp);
void m4aMPlayImmInit(MusicPlayerArea *ma);
void m4aSoundVSyncOff(void);
void m4aSoundVSyncOn(void);
void m4aMPlayTempoControl(MusicPlayerArea *ma, u16 te);
void m4aMPlayVolumeControl(MusicPlayerArea *ma, u16 tb, u16 vo);
void m4aMPlayPitchControl(MusicPlayerArea *ma, u16 tb, s16 pi);
void m4aMPlayPanpotControl(MusicPlayerArea *ma, u16 tb, s8 pa);
void m4aMPlayModDepthSet(MusicPlayerArea *ma, u16 tb, u8 md);
void m4aMPlayLFOSpeedSet(MusicPlayerArea *ma, u16 tb, u8 ls);

Documents - Documents - GBA “Sappy” sound engine information (by Bregalad, ipatix)

Tools and Source Codes